Partner Won't Stop Snoring? How To Fix Sleep Apnea

Snoring can be frustrating especially for your partner and leads to poor sleep for the both of you. Read more here on how to help stop your partner from snoring and have a goodnight's sleep.

Does your partner's snoring keep you up at night? Are you worried about their health and wellbeing? With 45% of people snoring occasionally and 25% regularly, the chances of having at least one person snoring in your bedroom are very high.

Snoring can be a frustrating addition to any bedtime routine, especially if your partner's snoring is a nightly habit. Snoring can be a severe sleep disturbance, and your partner's snoring will likely lead to poor sleep for both of you. If your current nightly routine includes pinching your partner's nose or waking them up to tell them they are snoring (again), you might be tired of this repetitive and unproductive solution and looking for something more long-term.

Unfortunately, their snoring is more than just irritating; it can be a sign of sleep apnea, a potentially serious sleep disorder that, if left untreated, can lead to several dangerous health issues.

But, there is hope for your quality of sleep and your partner's future health. So, instead of letting snoring get the upper hand in your relationship or your health, we can show you how to truly get a better night's sleep.

What Is Snoring?

Snoring is simply the noise that occurs when something restricts the airflow during sleep. This restriction can occur when our muscles relax and loosen up while we are sleeping, causing the airway to become narrower. As a result, a vibrating of the tissues in the back of the throat occurs as air passes through the trachea. This vibration of the tissues is what we call snoring. It's noisy and continuous but can also signify a restricted airway.

What Causes Snoring?

Many different types of people can be prone to snoring. Some of us occasionally snore, usually when we are extremely tired. However, others snore more regularly. Snoring is caused by several factors, including the shape of your mouth and sinuses, alcohol consumption, allergies, catching a cold, and weight. OR the onset of more severe issues such as sleep apnea, a total airway blockage.

Effects Of Snoring

There are two types of snoring - Primary Snoring and Sleep Apnea. Primary snoring, although irritating, isn't a serious health concern; the same cannot be said for sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep disorder characterised by frequent pauses in breathing. Simply put, the restrictions in your partner's airways have gotten so severe they may stop breathing momentarily throughout the night. Unfortunately, with one in four Australian men over 30 being affected and 5% of all Australians – sleep apnea is a common and sometimes neglected issue.

In reality, many people suffer from poor sleep quality and deteriorating health, unaware they are awakened momentarily throughout the night as the body tries to recover oxygen.

Usually, it takes a partner or loved one who is aware of the symptoms to help spot the signs of this condition.

To find out if your partner is suffering from sleep apnea, you should be on the lookout for the following signs: stopping breathing during sleep, gasping for air or choking during the night, excessive sleepiness during the day, headaches in the mornings, high blood pressure, chest pain, restless sleep, sore throat upon waking & generally the snoring is louder and will likely disrupt the snorer's partner.

In many cases, sleep apnea will cause the person to 'wake up' from a deep sleep, preventing a more restorative sleep. Some severe patients can experience tens of episodes per hour. That means they are being awoken by a lack of oxygen hundreds of times a night.

In some cases, a diagnostic test performed by a doctor may be required. However, the symptoms are usually quite pronounced in serious cases.

The effects of sleep apnea can be very serious. If sleep apnea is not treated, it can lead to various health problems, including heart failure, diabetes, obesity, heart attacks, stroke, hypertension, arrhythmias and cardiomyopathy. So obstructive sleep apnea is not a condition you want to let slide under the radar. Plus, the anxiety of knowing your partner is experiencing a dangerously disrupted it certainly doesn't set couples up for a good restorative night in bed.

Solutions For Sleep Apnea

Luckily, sleep apnea is very treatable. In the case of mild sleep apnea, there are a few lifestyle changes that can lessen the symptoms. These lifestyle changes may include:

  • Losing weight if you are overweight
  • Exercising regularly
  • Quitting smoking
  • Drinking less (especially in the hours right before bed)
  • Using a nasal decongestant
  • Avoiding sleeping pills
  • Treating any allergies
  • Attempting not to sleep on your back.

If, after speaking with a doctor or trial and error, you discover that lifestyle changes just won't cut it – never fear; there is still a solution for you. A face mask and tube attached to a machine that is used throughout the night is the most widely recommended and effective treatment for sleep apnea. This type of machine is called a CPAP machine. Those who suffer from sleep apnea will likely need to use this machine for their whole lives.

What Are CPAP/APAP Machines?

CPAP is an acronym for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure. For obstructive sleep apnea, CPAP therapy is the most widely effective treatment. With CPAP machines, air pressure is maintained at a constant level. The CPAP machine provides air to you or your partner via a tube and a mask. The product can keep the airway open and uninterrupted by delivering continuous air pressure, meaning breathing is maintained. CPAP machines can help to eliminate sleep apnea and provide a night of restful sleep.

APAP, on the other hand, means Automatic Positive Airway Pressure. Unlike a CPAP machine, which provides a fixed and continuous pressure, the APAP machine can automatically adjust the pressure according to you or your partner's body. This machine will continuously adapt to the minimum pressure needed to keep your partner's airways open as they deliver air. This can create a more natural breathing experience.

What Can A CPAP/APAP Machine Do For You?

A CPAP or APAP machine can provide better sleep for your partner and yourself. With a CPAP machine, you or your partner will no longer snore or gasp for air during the night. Without being deprived of oxygen, you can sleep through the night. All the while improving the user's quality of life and monitoring sleep apnea. Sleep apnea can lead to a whole host of severe health complications. It is possible to prevent and, in some cases, reverse these health issues using a CPAP machine every night.

In addition to the benefits of CPAP therapy for a better night's sleep, users sometimes notice benefits in their day-to-day life, such as more energy and improved mood.

A Better Night's Sleep Awaits

It's time to throw those earplugs in the bin and fix this snoring issue for good. Finding a long-term solution that works can provide immense relief to your partner, and we want to be a part of helping you achieve this.

So many people have had bad experiences buying products online from a store that doesn't have the knowledge or genuine interest in finding their customers the right product – we don't want this outcome for you. That's why we always recommend you come in for a free consultation so our experts can fit you with the right machine for YOU. With something as important as sleep, finding the best option for your needs matters.

So don't waste any more time. Reach out and speak to the experts and book your free consultation– today.

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