Sleep Apnea Machines & Devices

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If you are prone to snoring, stop breathing while you are sleeping and wake up feeling groggy and exhausted, then you could be a part of the 5% of Australians with sleep apnea. Sleep Apnea is a serious but highly treatable sleep disorder. If you suffer from sleep apnea, you may benefit from CPAP treatment through a sleep apnea machine. 

What is CPAP therapy?

As the name implies, CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure) machines are a general term for the different machines that treat obstructive sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. There are three types of PAP (positive airway pressure) machines — CPAP (continuous positive airway pressure), BiPAP (bi-level positive airway pressure) and APAP (automatic positive airway pressure). All three machines deliver air pressure via a tube and mask to keep your airway open while you sleep, preventing momentary lapses and breathing and the gasps for air that come with sleep apnea. Obstructive sleep apnea is a highly treatable condition when treated correctly with a PAP machine so you can get back to having a good night's rest.

What are the different machines available?

CPAP machines, BiPAP machines and APAP machines are all effective treatment options for sleep apnea.

CPAP machines (continuous positive airway pressure)

Sleep apnea machines, such as a CPAP machine, provide constant air pressure throughout the night. If your lifestyle changes (for example, losing weight or quitting smoking), the pressure can be manually adjusted; however, it does not change throughout the night. This treatment keeps airways open while inhaling and exhaling, preventing acute respiratory failure episodes and benefiting patients with obstructive sleep apnea. In some cases, the continuous pressure can be uncomfortable, especially when exhaling. Most people who use CPAPs adjust to the sensation over time or change the features and settings to find a comfortable one. Some users cannot adjust; in this case, switching to another machine may be advisable. 

BiPAP machines (Bi-level positive airway pressure)

As with CPAP, BiPAP treatments prevent the airway from collapsing during the night. The critical difference with BiPAP is that the machine offers two pressure settings - one for the exhale and another for the exhale. BiPAP machines reduce pressure when the wearer exhales, making them more comfortable for those who previously struggled with CPAPs. A BiPAP machine tends to be more expensive than a standard CPAP machine. Health care professionals may prescribe BiPAP for patients with heart and lung diseases, such as congestive heart failure.

APAP machines (Automatic positive airway pressure)

Again, an APAP machine reduces episodes of paused breathing by keeping the user's airway open. An APAP machine differs because it has sensors that adjust the pressure level throughout the night according to the user's input. In each breathing cycle, the pressure is adjusted by measuring a user's breath resistance, allowing it to reduce pressure during periods of stable breathing and increase pressure during periods of difficulty breathing. Many people benefit from the intuitiveness and personalisation of this machine. This machine, however, may be more disruptive to users than a CPAP machine. APAP is not recommended for patients with heart or breathing conditions; it's advised that you sleep with a sleep specialist if you fall into this category. With years of experience, we are happy to answer any questions you have.

CPAP devices are an investment for your health

In the long run, the benefits of using a CPAP machine far outweigh the costs. Once you commence treatment, your health will improve, and you will be able to prevent most, if not all, of the long-term adverse side effects and common problems of sleep apnea. On top of that, getting back to having a restorative night's sleep will impact other areas of your life, making you healthier and happier. 

Travel devices

Sleep apnea treatment is lifelong, so it's important to continue using your CPAP equipment every night. We stock portable CPAP continuous positive airway pressure machine options so you can continue to get a good night's rest even when you are away from home.

CPAP mask options

There are a variety of mask options available with CPAP machines. For some users, a nasal pillow mask, nasal mask, or full face mask may be more comfortable. You must consider how much air pressure you need when choosing a mask. It is possible that nasal pillows will not work with high air pressures, for instance. Generally speaking, a mask's coverage determines its leakage resistance and your therapy's effectiveness — the more coverage, the better.

Contact us today if you are ready to take the next step towards a good night's rest. With years in the industry and being an Australian industry leader, our sleep experts know how to get you back on track to a good night's sleep and help you pick the right sleep apnea machine for your lifestyle and needs.